A book about someone who collects books, and books about cookery at that – what’s not to like?  In fact this is more about the impact that the cookbook collector of the title has on other people’s lives than about himself, but it is beautiful, sensual and, unlike ON GREEN DOLPHIN STREET, I cared deeply about the happiness of the main protagonists, sisters Jess and Emily. It’s very much a book of its time – bubbles, environmental activism and the September 11th terrorist attacks all play a central role.  At times the novel is a bit busy, with too many characters, many of whom don’t add much to the story, other than as people who seem to get collected in much the same way books and other items are collected. And there are some ethical issues that are not really developed satisfactorily, for example around spyware, religion and excessive wealth.  But overall THE COOKBOOK COLLECTOR deserves the inevitable food metaphors – it’s delicious and I devoured it!

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Filed under drama, love story

One response to “THE COOKBOOK COLLECTOR by Allegra Goodman

  1. shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    Sounds like an interesting read!

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